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6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall
1196 Main Street

Members Present: Barbara Kohlstrom, Co-Chair; Michael Wronski, Co-Chair, Celeste Duffy, Joe Giotta, Kimberly Ferguson, Cheryl Owoc.

Absent: David Lindberg

SubCommittee Members: Ed Starkus, Richard Sheils, Ed Benoit, Rose Johnson, Judy Haran, Steve Mentzer, Rosemary Johnnson, Wendy OLeary, Scott Carlson.

Absent: Paul McManus

Staff: Pamela Harding, Town Planner

Consultants: Brian Barber, Daphne Politis, Bill Giezentanner.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

The consultant had not arrived so items were taken out of order.

The stakeholder list was reviewed, E.Benoit suggested adding the Infrastructure and Investment Committee.

Scott Carlson informed the Committee that his daughter has been working on the logo. He will have the logo scanned onto a disc for reproduction.

M. Wronski Co-Chair discussed the School Outreach Plan with the School Department. The Department seemed excited to work with the Committee in the Master Planning process, additional information would be required closer to the start of the school year.

The consultants arrived at the meeting.

B. Barber stated that he has been updating the census data and other information contained in the Community Development Plan. He has also been updating employment information from the Department of Work Force and Development for the last five years.

J. Giatta asked if there was a way to determine the type of turnaround in the Town, particularly in the larger homes. J. Giatta stated that he suspected people were moving into the Town to take advantage of the school system and wondered if households were leaving after their children graduated. B. Barber said it was a great concern for many communities but the housing boom is too recent for the data to be analyzed.

B. Barber stated that is typical in a community like Holden for service oriented businesses to take over.

D. Politis reviewed work completed by J. Maxtutis for transportation. A memo summarizing information on intersections with documented site distance and traffic problems obtained through meetings with the Traffic Circulation Committee and Steve Mentzer (TCC) were reviewed.

M. Wronski reviewed how the Committee would operate with element teams. The Consultants suggested focusing on public outreach and participation and gathering of existing data. Once the process begins roles will become clearer, and then it may be necessary to recruit additional members for element teams.

The Committee will give a presentation on July 17th at the Senior Center to the Board of Selectmen.

Templates for brochures and flyers created by the consultant were distributed.

The Committee discussed the possibility of giving away small prizes such as a season pool pass or bookmarks at Holden Days.

E. Benoit suggested showing change through photographs and maps of the past, current and a question mark for future conditions, emphasizing people have the choice about the future.

D. Politis suggested utilizing three easels with flip charts for Holden Days, representing possible questions about Holden. A suggestion board requesting resident input can be rotated to different Town locations after Holden Days.

W. OLeary will organize a meeting and create a list of all items that need to be completed for Holden Days, tasks will then be assigned to members.

The budgets was discussed the Committee has a $5,000 operating budget, $1,500 should be reserved for the web site created by Phil Mighdoll.

The Committee reviewed a letter from Town Manager Brian J. Bullock regarding the selling of Town owned parcels, a majority of the parcels are slivers of land that would not be useful to anyone but an abutter. P. Harding stated that she was asked to gather information on all of the parcels.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Approved Date